Monday, July 6, 2009

stuck in the middle with you

We're blogging about being stuck at daily headspa this week. I'm feeling so stuck, I'm stuck with nothing to say about being stuck. Except that stuck sucks.

I could think about what it takes for me to get unstuck. Some of it is so passive: something needs to happen that draws me out. But that makes me feel, well, passive. And stuck.

We played tennis again today. Movement and thinking about some one thing, like this shot and that one and the next, helps me get unstuck.

Sometimes I wish I would remember the magic of movement when I'm feeling stuck and there's a pile of dishes to be done or one thing on the to-do list that could be knocked off in a few minutes. When I'm stuck, it feels like if I do anything it won't be the right thing so I wait until I know what the right thing to do is but the stuck feeling blocks my perception. Perhaps sometimes doing something is in fact the better move.

Action-reflection-action...some kind of unstuck formula in there I think.

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