Wednesday, April 15, 2009

no satisfaction

In actual fact, I don't know what was satisfying today. I'm supposed to be posting about one satisfying thing in my day to go along with our "satisfaction" topic at daily headspa this week. Today's post over there was "no satisfaction" and that rather fits my day.

It was a day of doing things that needed to be done - US taxes, sorting out some other money things, buying new mattresses because every day on the old ones we wake up more tired than the last. We had a chance to talk through a project at work with a colleague. That was good.

Of course I am grateful to have the money to buy those mattresses; to have money to sort out; to have earned money on which to pay taxes. I'm grateful to have been able to do things - health, safety, abilities intact.

But what was doing all of that stuff satisfying?

What would have been satisfying?
1. completing a project - oh, wait, I did mail off an article that was due today so right on time
2. creating something beautiful
3. laughing with a friend
4. reaping some reward from a previous effort
5. solving a puzzle
6. discovering somewhere
7. making something myself so I can unhook a bit more from the money trap

the satisfying thing today? being satisfied with no satisfaction.

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